Saddle Up with Courage

Fear arises in everyone. When it does, you might get thrown off your game. You might end up wasting inordinate amounts of time, energy and even money. But it doesn’t have to be that way!  Realize most fears never come true.  Mindfulness teaches you to lean back out of the fear stories instead of fusing with them. My executive coaching clients who practice courage enjoy great success! The return on investment when you take risks and stretch out of your comfort zone is immense.

Releasing the Past

Regret can sideline forward progress. Replaying the what if’s, the woulda/coulda’s, and the if only’s is simply a waste of time and energy. Mindfulness calls you to forgive past unskillful, unproductive behavior. Being mindful means letting go of the past and making fresh, skillful choices in the present. Today is a new day, now is a new moment!