Mindfulness, Self-Awareness and Blind Spots

The Johari Window, conceptualized in 1955, is a uselful tool when one is working on growing in their self-awareness. This is a foundational element in peak performance. The key is to reduce blind spots about oneself. This requires reflection, contemplation, and often times, a good executive or life coach!

The Johari Window also helps us to have better relationships, the key in all functions of business, whether you are in sales, hospitality, or healthcare. Take a look at the sections. There are things known to both us and others. There are things that others don’t know about us. There are things about us that neither others nor we know about ourselves. But the one area of perhaps greatest concern is what others know about us, but we don’t know about ourselves! This area represents our blind spots. In Mindfulness, we teach beginner’s mind- being open and curious about ourselves and others. This flexibility in our perceptions allow positive growth and the reduction of suffering. Whether in personal relationships or organizational dynamics, Mindfulness can be an ally for greater peak performance and success, or what we like to call Mindful Performance. As executive coaches and life coaches, we have seen this simple tool help people tremendously in the personal growth and professional development.


The breath is essential to life. And a calm breath is essential to defusing stress in a direct, immediate way. When stress arises, and it will, lean back and slowly breathe in through your nose and into your belly. Let the exhale be slow and gentle. After just a few short rounds, a relaxation response occurs which will enable you to feel better, think more clearly and respond skillfully. If your stress level is particularly intense, begin to slowly lengthen each exhale. This simple mindfulness technique allows you to shift how you are feeling, even if the source of the stress remains the same!