Just wrapped up another 3-month Mindfulness Training for the faculty and staff at Georgia Tech. From the healthcare sector to the gaming industry to sales and marketing teams, I’ve witnessed how mindfulness helps build effective leadership and high performing teams across industries. Invest in becoming your best self!
Tag: #peakperformance
4 Mindfulness Meditation Hacks To Manage Monkey Mind
The mind is tricky. But you can take charge of your mind. If you don’t, it can take charge of you! These 4 tips can really make a difference! Enjoy this article Angela and I wrote a couple of years ago for Huffington Post.
Denial is Dangerous
Whether in the workplace, community, or family system, denial is dangerous. As an executive coach, psychotherapist, and corporate consultant, I have witnessed dire consequences when denial is at play, even death. In Mindfulness Training, the opposite of denial is acceptance, and acceptance is defined as “having the willingness and courage to see clearly.” Clarity takes courage because it often requires having a voice, taking an action, or making a change. This is uncomfortable for many. It’s inconvenient. And the people around you may not like it or understand it. When you galvanize the courage and willingness to see things clearly – yourself, others, situations – you step into your personal power. You build your internal strength and resilience. You are in alignment with your highest and best self. Invest in becoming your best self!
Practice the Pause
Sometimes, the first impulse is erroneous. Ever sent a text, an email or made a phone call impulsively only to realize that you made a serious mistake? Mindfulness is not about inaction. But Mindfulness teaches you to slow down to make skillful responses. Consciously pausing before acting can make a tremendous difference in the results you reap. Just taking a few brief breaths may be enough. Where can you build in brief pauses throughout your day today?
Mindful Monday: Take Charge of Your Mindset
It’s Mindful Monday! Taking charge of your mindset is a key strategy in Mindfulness. Research shows it is also essential to your success! As an executive coach and psychotherapist over the last two decades, I have observed that the most successful people understand and apply the principle of taking charge of their thoughts and beliefs. Be mindful of what you are taking in and how it impacts you from food to conversation to media. Notice your self-talk, and be positive and supportive in what you are telling yourself. Your behavior is predicated on what you believe – about yourself, others, and life. Invest in actively creating a mindset that leads you to personal and professional success! Mindfulness offers a simple, yet profound path to take charge of your thoughts and beliefs. Invest in becoming your best self! You are worth it!