Mindful Leadership

Do you think you’re a mindful leader? Have you had mindful leaders in your life? The difference between a mindful leader and one that is not mindful is palpable. The impact leaders have on those that follow them is massive!
Here are some adjectives in business and psychology literature that describe mindful leaders: self-aware, other-aware, conscientious, compassionate, collaborative, clear, conscious, humble, confident, intuitive, non-defensive, possesses integrity, strong, balanced, innovative, inspiring, on the cutting edge, and authentic.

The truly great leaders who elicit loyalty and teamwork stand apart. They are not afraid to be themselves or trust themselves. When they make mistakes, they own it. They listen to others’ ideas, even if they don’t agree with them. They surround themselves with smart, capable people. They are not intimidated by them.

Leadership comes to people formally and informally. You don’t have to be recognized as a leader by others or have leadership in your title to be a good leader. Leaders show up in all kinds of ways and settings: communities, families, on sports teams, in the workplace, and beyond. In fact, each person is the leader of their own lives.

Are you showing up as the leader of your own life? Do you embody some of the characteristics of a mindful leader? What behaviors are no longer serving you now and what qualities would you like to emulate and embody more?