The Tall Poppy Syndrome

Have you ever heard of The Tall Poppy Syndrome often used in Europe, Australia and New Zealand? It’s a metaphor used to describe how some people are eager to “bring others down to size” out of jealousy, intimidation or spite. In the U.S., we often use the image of a pedestal. Have you ever put someone on a pedestal? Or perhaps others have put you on one? It rarely works out well for anyone.

It’s quite a long fall from a pedestal, isn’t it? We’ve observed how others become quite disappointed and even disillusioned when the hero or guru reveals their humanity and imperfections, and thus falls from the pedestal. We’ve also seen how some people can’t wait for that person to fall from grace. In fact, there are many public platforms designed to highlight this. Television shows, magazines and social media often amplify mistakes and missteps of others. Wanting others to be humiliated or even fail is not the best version of a person, and we don’t encourage others to participate.

It’s also uncomfortable to be put on a pedestal yourself. While you may have accomplished much, you know that you are human. And it’s quite uncomfortable to fall from that pedestal. People often do this because they see greatness in you. They admire who you are and what you’ve done. And sometimes, they need to find hope in a hero.

We often tell people that the reason you admire something in another human is because you have a seed of that greatness in you. While it’s a lovely feeling to be inspired by others, don’t underestimate who you are and what you bring. You may express and manifest your gifts differently, but they are equally as important. Remember that greatness can be expressed quietly and just as powerfully as publicly. Take time this week to explore all of the beauty and light within yourself. Release yourself and others from any pedestals. Humans don’t belong up there.