
How much sensitivity is the right amount? Have you ever gotten feedback that you’re either too sensitive or not sensitive enough? Feedback is an interesting thing, isn’t it? It’s often based on projection. It may have more to do with the person offering the feedback than the recipient. However, feedback does have its merits. It may be foolish to ignore it, especially if you’ve received that same information repeatedly. Ultimately, it is up to you to examine its content and determine its validity. It’s also up to you to choose what you will or won’t do in response.

If you’ve been told you’re too sensitive, this can feel like it invalidates or belittles your feelings. You have a right to your experience and interpretation even if others don’t agree or understand. Sensitivity can even be a gift. It’s often associated with empathy and heightened intuition.

However, it may be true that it would be helpful to you to learn to navigate the difficulties that life presents more skillfully. The world is often a messy place. It doesn’t always show up in a nice, neat package. The good news is that you have self-efficacy. You can utilize tools that help you feel more grounded, insulated and at home in your own skin. Exercise, or movement, is a great place to begin. Being around others who bring you joy more frequently is another positive strategy. Spending time in satisfying activities will also offset the tougher times when they do arise.

If you are someone one has been accused of being insensitive, this may be a growth edge for you. You can improve by softening your responses. You can also slow down your responses. Sometimes the knee jerk reaction can come across as brusque. If you’re in a hurry or preoccupied, your responses are more likely to be interpreted as curt. Be mindful when you engage in conversations, especially ones you already know might be a sensitive topic. Reach out to us today!