Scope Creep

Have you ever had the experience of being asked to do something only to soon realize the scope was much larger than originally described? This can happen in the workplace when more is being asked of you in a shorter amount of time than was originally discussed. It can also happen in your personal life. An example might be when a friend asks for a simple favor that grows exponentially into much more than originally indicated.

You may have good-naturedly agreed to something personally and professionally but didn’t ask enough about the details. You may have even assumed that the request meant a certain thing, but the person making the request had a different idea. Assumptions can create misunderstandings. Sometimes people simply pile on to the original request in hopes that you won’t mind or won’t notice. Other times, people may intentionally mislead you. The other person’s agenda isn’t always clear. Scope creep happens in a variety of ways for many different reasons.

The best way to prevent this from happening to you is to be sure you ask good questions even if the answer seems obvious. Don’t be concerned about looking foolish for asking for clarification and feedback on what you’re understanding.

If you find yourself in the midst of scope creep, it’s beneficial to have conversations with the people involved. Let them know your understanding of the original request and how it looks different now. Be clear about your boundaries and needs. It’s important to be clear with yourself before you have conversations with others. If it’s a difficult person to approach, practice verbally with a friend or coach. You may even want to record the conversation so you can hear how you are conveying your message. It takes courage to have these conversations sometimes, but you will preserve your mental health and well-being when you do. You’ll most likely feel proud of yourself too!