Wrong Turns

Have you ever been the driver or a passenger in a vehicle and unexpectedly found yourself lost, off-track from your intended destination? Understandably, you can become confused in the stream of vehicles. You can find yourself at a wrong exit or perhaps caught off-guard, suddenly realizing you aren’t headed in the right direction. It’s only human to make a wrong turn as a result of congestion, poorly marked lanes, or simply not paying close enough attention to the road. You can make a wrong turn.

In traffic, if you make a wrong turn, you have choices. You can proceed in the same incorrect direction, or you can pull over and ask for directions. In other words, you can continue going an erroneous way and thereby make matters worse, or you can seek help in turning your vehicle in the proper direction.

Have you had the experience of making a wrong turn in a relationship? It may be that you said something damaging to another person or acted in a careless manner. Did you lose your temper? It dawns on you that you are off course. When that happens, you can find yourself feeling lost, unable to skillfully and quickly course correct. So, what do you do if you’ve made a wrong turn in a relationship? You can ask for forgiveness and make a concerted effort to behave differently as you move forward. You can’t undo what’s been said or done as it’s in the past, but you can improve your present circumstances and focus on making the future better.

If you’ve found yourself on the receiving end of bad behavior, you have options. You can overlook or deny it. You can make a wrong turn in how you react or seek revenge. You can fight fire with fire, which usually results in more fire. You can wisely pause and reflect. You can set a boundary using precise, thoughtful words. You can walk away. You get to decide what will get you and possibly the relationship back on the right track.