One foundational tenet of Mindfulness is impermanence, changing conditions. And we are certainly in times of great change! Fear and uncertainly tend to be the order of the day. Calm and clarity in these changing conditions arise from consistently practicing meditation and present moment awareness. By connecting to your best self through Mindfulness you are able to take right action for yourself and others. How can you utilize Mindfulness practices to bring your best self to the table today?
#Mindfulness #change #mindfulleadership #mindfulperformance #calm #clarity #stressreduction #covid19
Just wrapped up another 3-month Mindfulness Training for the faculty and staff at Georgia Tech. From the healthcare sector to the gaming industry to sales and marketing teams, I’ve witnessed how mindfulness helps build effective leadership and high performing teams across industries. Invest in becoming your best self!
The mind is tricky. But you can take charge of your mind. If you don’t, it can take charge of you! These 4 tips can really make a difference! Enjoy this article Angela and I wrote a couple of years ago for Huffington Post.
I like going to the gym. I enjoy how I feel after physically working out. But sometimes, as in other forms of discipline, I don’t really want to do the work because I’m tired, feel pressured, or running low on time. However, I am always glad when I follow through on my commitment to myself. Think about all the times you’ve accessed your will, determination, and focus to overcome obstacles. Where can you connect with this inner capacity to get better results? Get clear about your dreams, vision, and goals! Make a commitment to yourself, and put things in place to motivate you to follow through. You are worth it!
Whether in the workplace, community, or family system, denial is dangerous. As an executive coach, psychotherapist, and corporate consultant, I have witnessed dire consequences when denial is at play, even death. In Mindfulness Training, the opposite of denial is acceptance, and acceptance is defined as “having the willingness and courage to see clearly.” Clarity takes courage because it often requires having a voice, taking an action, or making a change. This is uncomfortable for many. It’s inconvenient. And the people around you may not like it or understand it. When you galvanize the courage and willingness to see things clearly – yourself, others, situations – you step into your personal power. You build your internal strength and resilience. You are in alignment with your highest and best self. Invest in becoming your best self!